The average house price on SHAWBURY HEATH is £517,142
The most expensive house in the street is MERLEWOOD FARM SHAWBURY HEATH with an estimated value of £908,813
The cheapest house in the street is THE BINGS SHAWBURY HEATH with an estimated value of £174,161
The house which was most recently sold was OAKDENE SHAWBURY HEATH, this sold on 15 Nov 2019 for £259,000
The postcode for SHAWBURY HEATH is SY4 4EA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
DORRYL HOUSE SHAWBURY HEATH Detached £383,550 £230,000 11 Dec 2006
MERLEWOOD FARM SHAWBURY HEATH Detached £908,813 £575,000 31 Aug 2007
MERLWOOD FARM SHAWBURY HEATH Detached £799,189 £605,000 6 Dec 2016
OAKDENE SHAWBURY HEATH Detached £320,001 £259,000 15 Nov 2019
THE BINGS SHAWBURY HEATH Detached £174,161 £140,000 6 Sep 2018